
Llisaar is still rather impressionable, having grown up mainly around individuals who tended toward the lifestyle of a recluse. He tries to be tough, like a fierce predator, but still knows so little that he often finds himself fighting the urges to flee. His social skills sometimes are lacking, since he never really learned the arts of not being bluntly honest. He doesn't understand a lot about the motivations and inner workings of other people, of manipulators and liars. His desire to wander keeps him moving, and he rarely spends much time in civilized areas unless he has good reason.

Growning up in a very poor peasant village was never a life that Llisaar was comfortable with, even when he was barely old enough to know there was anything better out there. His love of the outdoors and a powerful wanderlust often caused him to skip his chores and explore the country side. Unfortunately, when he would return, he often faced the local lord's overseer and later that night his own parents.

He quickly tired of the life his family and friends so readily seem to accept, even seemed happy with since as long as they cooperated with the overseers they were mostly left alone. At age 9, grabbing a few morsels from the meager stores and the small bundle of clothes he owned, he fleed his home.

He made his way across the countryside, mostly living off of berries and fruits, happy to not have anyone over him. But life in the wilderness was harder than he had expected, and he would have died during his first winter alone if he hadn't been found by a kindly ranger.

Through the next few years, he spent the seasons with different rangers, learning what nature was really like, and how to harness the wanderlust that drove him on. Eventually, as a young adult, he found his way to the city of New Lensmoor where he met a young sidhe girl named Amaryn. The two fell in love and Amaryn approached the family Matron Lilith for her blessings to marry Llisaar.

Lilith however saw in this human male not just another tainting of the bloodlines but many traits that reminded her of her own second husband Sarailis. She banned any relationship between the two, even slashing the boys face across his eye in warning of her wrath. Dispite this the two still ran off behind Lilith's back and married, having a daughter together.

One day while travelling the lands, Llisaar met a man in the forests, a sidhe man in a white hooded robe. Llisaar would not return from the forest that day.