
Sullen, yet enigmatic, and willing to engage into philosophical conversation. She is not interested in rationalizing with zealots. Lunae is quick with wit and slow to anger, and possesses an incredible calm that on most occasions is unable to be broken.

Lunae will not discuss her history or her past with any who she does not feel worthy of the information. Learning to be guarded from her mother, she is unwilling to let much emotion show through at all. This causes her to come across as cold and uncaring. But under the surface is a wounded child robbed of her childhood, and when Lunae is not careful, this child emerges.

Born under the light of the moon in a garden of black roses, Lunae is the child of Amaya and Khalar. Cursed, or blessed as you will, into a family that spans from Lilith, the Dark Lady, Lunae bears the mark of the serpent as do the others of the Kal'Daka line, the mark given to them at birth.

While she was very young, her mother passed away. Her father's lingering absences made staying in their Tome house difficult. And so, on her eighth birthday, Lunae simply...vanished.

She wandered through Tikol, through Memfeld, through Griftmire and Antrippa, living from what she could scavenge, afraid to go home and face her great-grandmother. Suddenly alone and vulnerable without her mother, she tried many remedies to make friends, for a time even becoming pure of heart. But nothing comforted her until the blanket of night wove across the land like a magnificent tapestry. And her mother's words floated back to her ears..."The Night is your comfort, child, never forget it."

And so Lunae never did.

Finally deciding that her heritage could not be undone...that the curse was hers to bear in solitude, she came back to New Lensmoor to reclaim it, embrace it. Darkness lives in her heart, shadows are her only companions.

In the end, that is all there will ever be.