Hello, I hope you've guessed my name. Well I have a few. The forgotten
Phoenix, or the longest and always classically favorite Nemesis Night.
Perhaps the more modern AmberWolf or Kinkathra. These four are or
were the most used and favorite ones.
Who am I really? I'll leave that up to philosophers, gophers and crazy
stalker-type people. But then, do you really care? Probably not. Where
did I come from? Well, my mother, it's a messy story I don't think you
want to hear. Do I stand for anything? Sure, the national anthem, then I
sit back down again. Where am I going? I'll tell you where I get there.
Perhaps one day I will just disappear, like I was never here, and people
will wonder, what ever happened to that chick? And then, some day you
might too.
This is a really old picture from 1999. Was my prom. Yah :P
I'm at LiveJournal!
Nemesis' RP Beginnings
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Now Pay and Leave :)