Elegance at its finest Yet cruel intentions hidden under the surface Danger shrouded by the innocence of youth My ears have betrayed my eyes in truth Image is but an illusion, ears reveal more The tricks behind the illusions spoken, revealed Uncaring words gracing caring ears Betrayal beyond that of Caesar's Brutus Friends and lovers have betrayed I The rage I feel pours from fresh wounds Masks removed, and hideous monsters revealed As my own mind as my own witness I vow to never believe in hope Yet to say never is to strong of a word But the power of words underestimated So shall I restate to vow to not believe in hope Hope from masks on masks of strangers Masks of innocence I must admit Weaken me to accept these lies as truth A curse of innocence beseeches me I try to not care but the curse calls Begging me back to the arms of lies Lies of family, friends, and lovers Such rage this does fuel But rage cannot be blunt, in attack Subtle changes as to toy with one This rage does fuel with fury Angel's divine power does ensue Yet nor do I care, for the wounds bleed Scars do not heal if the wound does not close Forcing me to be ever angry Angry at a world of lies