[Status 62/63] To: Lilith anonymous all From: Sarailis Subject: Status change: Lilith (2 Roleplaying) Date: Thu Apr 5 21:23:23 2001 =========================================================================== From the day Sar and Lilith met she has stayed in completely in character. Her decisions throughout all the rps have added twists and turns always making another day at lensmoor interesting. Her character has always been honorable to the marriage vows between them no matter what Sar has done. Her characters hatred towards her own husband has been slowly building up whether it be the "I would prefer to kill you" to the "The day you live in this house again is the day I'm dead.", always adding more of a plot to keep me guessing. From all that I have rp'd with before, I would have to say she has got to be one of the best. TPB Sarailis