Abrienha Kal'Daka
Children of disgrace as their demon matron of the family would so put it, these two were born of a broken oath to the then married Amaryn and Alaeis.
Twins have for a long time run in the family, Lilith the current matron herself was a twin. So such being born under her wing was no surprise to her or anyone else. The surprise of these two ill begotten girls was an uncanny resemblance to Lilith and her long dead twin Sirius, so much so that it shocked her when they were born. It was also what lead to her actions upon their birth. She took one look at the two, identical save for their coloring which was so like that of her and her sister and she took the dark twin, the one who looked so like her as a sidhe child. The pale one that looked like her centuries past sister Sirius she left to it's own fate, she found she couldn't look upon it without seeing the enemy that her sister had become to her in later life.
Perhaps it was this disconcerting discovery that led to her honoring the childrens mother in naming the elder of the twins, the dark one, Abrienha after the first child lost to Amaryn. The second born Aarien she left to whatever fate befell her. That fate was to be taken by her blood father Alaeis to be raised.
A greed for knowledge and a lust for life, she squeezes all she can from
each situation.
Never treated as a child, but simply as a small adult, she has learned to
grasp for her security in all situations; what will give her the footholds
she requires. Not quick to talk, yet always listening, her young mind knows
more than most children her age.
Countless times people were brought to the tower where Abrienha lived, they
came and did not leave again. The screams and moans of tortured were often
the sounds she slept to. Death does not disturb her, only the weak die.
She does, however have a deep fascination for the intricate workings of
beings; HOw their muscles are attached to their bones, how those bones form
the frame that holds them up, etc. She can be found, even her young age,
studying a deceased in order to gain knowledge of it. Many find this
disturbing but it's just another aspect of her that others find odd.
Their background is defined as:
A child of lust, a child of sin, and a child, it seems, of destiny.
Demon, human and sidhe heritage; a blend of races and faith.
Abrienha was raised by her grandmother, the Dark Lady Lilith Kal'Daka,
after her mother died in childbirth. The story of her ancestry is shadowed
in days long past, undiscovered and not looked for.