Akee Dakira, Betrayer of Truth
The hobbit Akee was born and grew up in Midgaard. Life for
many in Midgaard is hard and Akee grew up as a thief. At
first a thief like any other, stealing to eat and to put
clothes on his back, but Akee was shrewd and ambitious. He
showed great promise early on and quickly climbed the ladder
in the world of thieves. He became feared by his victims,
loved by fellow thieves and wanted by the guards and every
wannabe hero in the land. After becoming one of the most
powerful thieves Midgaard had ever seen, the Betrayer became
one of the founding members of the Order of Chaos, a thieves
clan. It was this very clan that would produce the most
powerful thieves in the land, including the Queen of Thieves.
In fact, it was Akee himself who found her as a young thief.
This clan wouldn't last however, it would fall into decay
and became currupted ny outside sources. Soon leaders started
dropping off like flies, dieing mysteriously, leave all others
in power paranoid. This resulted in what leaders still lived
to abandon thier clan. Soon only a few members remained,
Nemesis assumed leadership for a short while after Akee left
but soon left aswell. The Order of Chaos was no more. Akee
then started another clan, built from the ashes of the Order
of Chaos came the Brotherhood of Chaos, an elite group of
powerful thieves led by Akee. What the future holds for
Akee and the Brotherhood can't be said, only time will tell.
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