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I didn't draw this obviously, but I really like it. The sunset was on my brothers computer, it came with his windows, I said to him, it needs a dragon in it. So that night I put a dragon on it, you may recognize it, I used a picture of the dragon
from the movie Dragonheart to base the silloette off. It's a nice background pic and I'm rather happy with the outcome
of my first digital enhancing of a real picture.
A starting out as a concept sketch for the new demon form
of Lilith with three sets of horns. I ended up playing around
with it a bit, nothing much.
Yes I know, it's sort big, sorry about that, I scaled it down some, but not
to the right size.
The Player Behind Brannin asked me to do a drawing of his character, and
I did several sketches, and lost a few :P This is the one that I eventually
presented to him as the rough sketch. Unfortunally I haven't had time to
finish it. When I do I'll scan the finished product and post it.

I once wonder if Lilith became a god, what she'd be the god of. I decided she'd be the Goddess of Divine Judgement. Arawn kills them and she sorts them out sort of thing.
Not nessesarily an evil religion, as she would judge both good and evil, but then, death isn't evil in my mind either. Chaotic, perhaps even neutral. She's sort of angelish looking because of it.

I made the skull, the raven in the middle was from another picture I had that I used an art program to inlay.

A tattoo I drew for TPB Kestal.

An older attempt at a self portrait, I had a much better one, but one of my "friends" decided they really liked it and "borrowed" it.

A tattoo sketch for my brother, the bottom got cut off by the scanner and the line is where I had to add another piece of paper because I ran out of room. :P There will be color and fire around the yin-yang, I think he should use this as a guide only, I don't think it's that great.

A concept picture for the tattoo on my lower back, well, not so much concept, it is the tattoo on my lower back. :P

When I was 14 or 15 I drew this as a concept for future tattoos, it was actually just suppose to be the wings, I'm still working on findings wings I really like, these oddly enough, considering how old and simple they are, are still in the running.

A ram skull I drew while considering options for covering the tattoo on the back of my neck which I dislike.

A couple spiders and scorpions I did for tattoo ideas for the back of my neck, I didn't like any of them but kept the page anyway.

Some of the countless tribal wings I have.

I call this sketch Wood Dragon because it was what I saw in a knot of wood on an old beam. I swear, it looked just like this, is was odd. :P

Again, another very old one, I was 16 perhaps, way, waaaay before Orinn, and yet, when I found it in a box a few years ago, she was my first thought.

A tattoo concept I did for my Ex, yes, it is basically the dodge ram symbol, but that is what he asked for, so that's what I did.

Another ram skull, a realistic one instead of tribal.

A had a dream once where humans made super soldiers by making cat people, then when the war was over, they tried to kill all the cats out of fear of them. The cats for their part just wanted to live in peace and had to go into hiding. Among them there was one call Whisper, who I was in the dream, she was mute and refused to fight. Until the day her people were all slaughtered of course. Anyway, I did this the next day.

I was bored, I had a medical book nearbye, this was the end result.

From another dream, plus I'm bad at hands so I drew my own hand, (no, I don't have claws :P) then added the snake.

I was bored at work, I doodled.

Another work doodle that I ended up painting on the bedroom door of my old apartment.

A sea-dragon/sea horse tribal tat.

My old kitchen table, they were suppose to be the elements but I went off on a tangent. The symbol in the middle is chinese caligraphy for Wolf, and also the tat on the back of my neck. The celtic runes around the edge says to find my true strength, I must first face my weakness.

The door I painted the demon doodle on.

The back of my old bedroom door, it's a wild rose.

Old apartment again, they aren't finished, barely even half done and I had to move out before they were, but you get the idea of where I was going. Gold walls, red dragons, silver trim.

Same as above, the other two walls, the third wall had a window and therefore no room for a fourth dragon.

The back of my front door, old apartment and again unfinished.

My old bathroom wall, bad pic, lost more than half of it, but you can get the idea, it was also in glow in the dark paint.

One of my kitchen cupboard doors. A phoenix and a dragon, can you tell I'm obsessed with both yet? :P

Just another random demon sketch, I never did finish it, I suppose I will someday, I just liked the pose.

I don't recall what the story was behind this one, but it's a demoness slowly turning to stone, like a gargoyle. She's obviously begging to whomever is doing it, probably her god, to reconsider. And of course I had to color it and screw it up. This is why I tend to stick to BW and tribals, I suck at color. :P

This is pretty old, the paper is yellow and has tape marks on it, but I still like it. I recall wanting it to be more snake like than it turned out to be, but I don't recall what gave me the original idea, might have been a game or book cover, who knows.

I saw a sketch of a wing like this once and liked it so much I made my own version, but then again, I had to like an idiot color it and mess it up. But it's still nice I think.

I use to have a necklace that looked sort of like this, I recall I drew this from it, no idea what happened to it. Anyway, obviously the symbol for Taurus.

Yet another phoenix sketch.

I decided to scan my old art binder, this looks much better in real life, the scan lost all the different colors in it. Anyway, it was based off the cover of an old Def Leppard tape case.

This was done while bored at Bwana John's, so it's about 4 years old now I suppose, never did finish it, suppose I should. I found the scan when I restored some backup files from my old computer.

The front of my old art binder, another phoenix.

The back of my binder, just a bunch of random doodles.

What Do You Know of Pain? This picture was mocking me, asking me that with all the contempt in the world in her eyes as she did.

This sketch, like the what do you know of Pain picture was based of a pose of Sheryl Crowe, same photo shoot, hence similar pose. Another fallen angel, she'll eventually be covering in blood and all that, if I ever finish it that is.

More scorpion tattoo ideas, I think I finally found the one I like best and will use to coverup the wolf tat on the back of my neck, it's the colored in one.

Another perfectly good picture ruined by my need to color them. Lost almost all the shading in the scan aswell which makes it look even worse. Bah. :P

Very old, I don't recall when I did it but I do recall it was in an old fairy tales book I had as a kid, one of the ones before disney made them all nicey nice. :P Anyway, some of you who know me in real life will recognize this as the same symbol I painted on my black sweater along with the rhyme 'My feelings for you, no word can tell, except for maybe, go to Hell.'

More tribal tattoo wings, I got the idea from these from somewhere, darned if I recall where, but I liked them so much I attempted to reproduce them for myself, I recall the originals being much cooler though. I like them still.

A tribal of wings and a ram skull between them, was a thought for Brett, although he never saw it, we broke up before I showed it to him. His problem, not mine. :P

I don't like these ones, but I was killing time so scanned them anyway.

Just did this tonight(Sat.July.22,1:44am), it's sort of how I've been feeling, just a sketch right now, I think I'm going to leave it unfinished, probably put it on my wall actually.