Dalhar Akai'Zhar
Dalhar doesn't like to talk about her background, more then to say she
came from a tribe of warriors from the southern continent. Sidhe who
settled there and managed to survive. She came back to see the land
of her peoples birth.
Dalhar is somewhat wild, she was raised on the dangerous and untamed southern
continent. A group of sidhe travelled there and managed to survive. Highly opinionated and not afraid to say exactly what she means. Fiercly proud of her warrior heritage and her abilities as a warrior. She'd never be described as a lady, but then, she'd be insulted if she was. She respects strength and honestly, while she feels only contempt for soft, helpless people. If you don't help yourself, why should she? Or so she thinks. This makes her seem to be harsh and without pity, without caring. This isn't the case, she can be warm and loving, as long as it does not weaken her.
Not long after she came to the lands, she fell in love with a young sidhe man
named Niclos. He was like no man she had ever met, and while she fought as
long as should could, in the end her heart was the one foe she could not
over come. It wasn't to be, even after they got married against his family's
wishes, it didn't last long. They couple were attacked and Dalhar was forced
to flee, saving their unborn childs life, but at the cost of her husbands. In
shame for running from battle, she returned to her homeland to bare and raise
her daughter, Amaryn, named after the dead Amaya and Bryn.
In her daughters 7th season, Dalhar was defending her tribe against a raid, and was killed. As per her wishes, her daughter was sent back north by the
tribal elders to be raised by Niclos' family. But she also sent with her
daughter a vendetta, to find the man who killed Niclos, something she had been unable to do herself.