Halili, son of Hajduti
The real tale of Halili is unknown, his origins, childhood,
stuff like that. If anyone knows the story, please submit it
to be posted. Thanks.
Lilith's story of Halili
Halili, my friend, my husband, my betrayer. But am I any
better? For I betrayed him just as he did me. I was the
woman scorned, the lover betrayed. But in the end, did I
not help create the beast that would destroy my family?
And was it not I who lied to him? A lie that would seal both
our fates.
I met Halili unexpectedly, suspicious and recieving naught
but distain from others, I shunned many. This one refused
to be shunned however and pursed his suit. Although I didn't
show it right away, I was smitten from the first. I have been
called a fool for it, and I suppose I m and deserve all I
got. But if I had to do it again, I wouldn't change a thing.
I got warnings from friends and just about everyone who knew
who Halili was. Well I played the fool, I can change him,
I thought. Soon after we married and what followed was the
happiest time in my life. In time I grew restless, seeing this,
Halili did all in his power to make me happy once more. So
when I brought home dear little Eyas, Halili agreed, thinking
a child was just what I needed. It was, Eyas filled the
last empty spot in my heart and made my family complete.
It seems nothing good lasts, atleast not for me. Halili
pushed Eyas onto a pth he didn't want and became angry
because it was not the path Eyas wanted. "My father taught
me everything I know." Halili said. "He made me what
I am today. I just want to do the same from him." After
much arguing for both sides, Halili said that Eyas wasn't
the son he wanted and that he washed his hands of him. I
was enraged! How dare he say that? In the presence of Eyas
no less. That is something no child needs to hear. I lived
with it however and comforted my son as best I could. He then
disappeared from sometime, when he returned I greeted him
happily and suggested we spend some time together. He answered
that he had no time for love, that there was no room for it
in his heart. I was confused and begged for an explination,
one I never got. I was heart broken, the man I loved, the one
I had risked my own life and reputation to defend to others, the
man who I had convinced one of my clan sisters to be friends
with had repaid me with scorn. Soon I became angry, I was
out for blood, any blood. What right had he? Well he felt
my wrath, I would have my vengence.
One day he came to me and asked, "Do you love me? Did you
ever?" I spat at him. "As if you would care if I did."
I saw him flinch from my harsh words, it was small movement,
maybe it was my imagination, but I felt bad right away, wanting
to take back my heartless words. "Do you?" he implored.
"No." I said flatly. "Are you so sure that all that was
between us is gone?" he said. "Yes, very. Dead and cold
as is my heart for you." I lied.
shortly after he came again and gave to me a magical amulet
I had made for him, when one looks into it, they see my
face. I looked up at him, puzzled. he left then. "I don't
understand." I shouted into the darkness after him. "You will."
came the faint reply. It was the next day before I would.
My husband was no more. Halili had killed himself and left
a world of grief and guilt upon my shoulders. "I can no longer
live without her." he had wrote. My lie, a small lie, an
infinatly large lie, I had told him that I no longer loved him.
A lie, for I did, and still do. And he will never know, I
alone live with that knowledge. I will never love another as
I did him, I will never remarry. That part of my heart is
cold, dead and black as the abyss. I may feel a portion
of that again, but never will I be as I was. Many times
betrayed, many times the betrayer. And so a cold rage took
that place in my heart, "He made we what I am." Halili had
said of his father, and so Hajduti had said himself. my rage
is for that man, it was he who was to blame, he made my
beloved into the monster he became, and it was he who will
pay for my pain.