**After Liche Essence** Jvar wakes restlessly and turns over in the pool of blood that resides in his clan hall. He looks around and spots a figure in the shadows. Jvar asks the shadow 'How did you get here?' The Dark Lady smiles slightly and steps out of the shadows. She folds her large wings over her shoulders and says 'One goes where they must.' Jvar peers at her and asks 'How long have you been here?' She looks about and replies 'Since Brannin when to sleep. He said to watch you both, I left my familiar with him and I came here.' Jvar glances around and says 'Someone is looking for me. I can feel their eyes. Probably Sarailis.' Lilith tilts her head and nods slightly. 'Could be, he still hates you a great deal.' Jvar arches a brow and asks 'Does he? He's been trying very hard to gain my favor.' Lilith raise an eyebrow and looks doubtful. 'He has? Interesting.' Jvar says 'Ever since you took him back, and on and off now.' Lilith narrows her eyes and looks off, as if thinking. 'Very interesting.' She looks back at Jvar 'He has said any number of times he can not stand your presence. And after the Sadie incident, he has hated you even more.' The demon seems thoughtful for a moment. 'Plotting I would assume.' Jvar nods and says 'I thought as much.' Lilith looks down at Jvar in concern and asks 'What was that with Brannin earlier? I understand it had something to do with the souls that he came to me about before, but not what.' Jvar sighs as if the mere thought of it made him weaken again. 'When he got his voice back, the souls came with it. To bind those souls so he can speak without constant harrassment, he needed another soul to help bind them. Not a soul, but a lifeforce. Mine is saftly hidden, but much of what keeps me in this world was depleted.' Lilith frowns slightly and looks at Jvar carefully. 'You could have killed yourself' Jvar grins up at her darkly . 'I am already dead' Lilith shakes her head and says 'You know what I meant. True death.' Jvar shrugs and stands up. 'It was my decision' The demon peers at Jvar. 'It was a dangerous one.' Jvar almost smirks at her. 'When has that ever stopped me? Or you for that matter?' She frowns and shifts slightly from one foot to the other. Jvar sits back down as if standing was too great an effort and looks up at her almost accusingly. 'Do you not trust me, my judgement and precautions?' The Dark Lady sighs. 'I do trust you, but what I saw didn't inspire trust in your precautions.' Jvar says 'Did you not once give birth to many children, was that not dangerous in its own right? Did you not have to rest and recover after? What precautions did you take?' Lilith frown slightly, shake her head and looks away. 'This is not about me.' Jvar raises a brow at her. 'Oh? Do you think you can question my actions without your own coming into question?' Lilith looks down at Jvar for a moment then shakes her head. 'I just don't like the idea of you taking risks like that.' Jvar raises a brow at Lilith. 'It was my risk to take, as I am still alone.' Jvar motions to the ringless finger on his hand. Lilith's face changes slightly and she frowns at Jvar. 'You are only alone if you want to be.' Jvar shrugs at her and says 'We all make our own choices and live with them' He peers up at her and narrows his eyes. ' Remember, I'm older than you, I don't need you bantering at me like a mother, I never had one, and don't need one now.' Lilith shifts again and crosses hers arms, she looks around almost as if she were for a second lost. She peers at Jvar, seemingly unsure and says quickly. 'Is it so hard to understand that I don't want to lose you?' Jvar reaches out a hand that's colder than normal and caresses her cheek, then whispers 'You won't.' She seems to relax some and smiles slightly at him. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Brannin tells you 'ooc> I know.. Lilith and Jvar should get married, adopt Bariscol and Brannin and we could open a little woodshop in lensmoor.. it'd be homey :)'