Lilith's Past
I don't remeber much about my early life except that Siri
was always there. A presence in my mind that was my only
real conscience now that I think about it. Later I learned
I had taken it for granted, but that was not til much, much
later. To late really. Being twins we had a connection
I always thought no one could break. I've had some questions
about us being twins, we do have some differences, I have
hair as black as the void, while Sirius' is pure white. And
when my eyes are crimson red of blood, hers are a sparkling turquise of pure spring water.
But other than that, we are twins. We only ever had one
parting of ways, our father, Shadow. He, like myself, even
though I hate to admit it, was a wander. As a weapons
dealer, and well versed in the use of her merchandise, he
spent a great deal of time travelling around the lands.
I saw this as a desertion, while Siri saw it as a duty.
She was always high on duty. Personally, I feel it's
overrated. When I spent my youth wandering further, and
further way from my home and learned to use my magic, Sirius
was learning the ways of the warrior and merchant. Believe
it or not, but these skills work much better together than
they first sound. At any rate, life went by like this for
years. Then in my 14th year came the day that would change
everything, and was the start of a run of bad luck in my
eyes. I had been gone for sometime when I returned that
day. I was sneaking about the house, as is my custom of
doing, looking for my sister when I came across two servant
woman talking.
"Honestly, a father shouldn't spend so much time away from
his children. If he wanted to travel a family wasn't for
him." one said.
The other snorted distainfully. "It's a family trait I've
noticed. That girl Lilith is no better than him. She's
just like her father if you ask me."
The first woman nodded. "I suppose. That girl gives me the
creeps. She has unnatural powers I tell ya, and those eyes
of hers, those aren't right, eyes shouldn't have that color."
It took all my selfcontrol not to use my 'unnatural powers'
on them both. I did, and still do, have very little patience
for ignorance. Nor did I appretiate being compared to the
drunkard who dared call himself my father. So, as a result
I was in ill-humour when I found my sister.
"Welcome back Lil." she said over her shoulder as I entered
that room. I was of course invisible, and even though her
presence in my mind and been becoming less and less, she still
knew I was there.
I smiled darkly. "At least I come back." It was a veiled,
vague insult, but Sirius was always quick and picked it up
right away.
She sighed. "Father has business to attend to Lil, you know
"Business?!?" I spat. "The only business he attends to is a
tankard and a bar wench."
I thought Sirius' eyes would pop right out of her head at my
little declaration.
What came of that was the first fight we ever had. And because
this might fall into the hands of little ones, I won't get into
detail of what was said. It ended in me stroming out of the
house for the last time.
I traveled abit, made a short stop in Midgaard(mudweiser)
where I met may people, such as the Queen of Thieves Nemesis.
When I later learned Shadow had followed me to Midgaard and
had been driven mad by her, I wasn't surprised. Mind games
had been her specialty. I learned the ways of the thief and
became somewhat know there. I'm not to be confused with the
Demoness Lileth who also now lives in that land. She has a bad
temper and will kill anyone who makes such a careless mistake.
At anyrate, I was there long before the Demoness was freed
from the Death Stone, before the great revolution in the
time of the Old Gods. But that's another story that's not
mine to tell.
When I was 16 I left Midgaard. I have been told some years
later it was destroyed. Any how, after I left there was
some...inconveniences, that took several years to sort out
before I made it to Lensmoor where I've lived in relitive
peace ever since.