Lilith's Present


Once a helpful, caring person, Lilith has become increasingly distant over the years. Even her mischevious actions have nearly stopped, replaced by something darker, more hateful. She enjoys the company of very few, and is untrusting of just about everyone. She has an explosive temper and shows it when pushed to far, often saying just what she thinks, if she should or not, more often not. A dying respect of the gods is the cause of her not worshiping any of them. In a way, she doesn't see any of them as being worthy of her trust or faith, and would rather rather remain an outcast then to put her faith in a god or goddess she can't trust. Lilith is extremely stubborn, and gets what she wants, no matter how long it takes, or what she has to do to get it. She often resorts to extreme measures, that don't make sense to anyone who doesn't understand what she plans in the end. She pretty much lives by the saying, If I have to suffer, so does everyone else.

Since her change into a demon, she has changed in more ways than her form. She seem more calm about things that would have enraged her before. No that she's become nicer, perhaps just the opposite, she's become colder, less caring about things she cared about. Some say that the demon that she merged with had more patients then she ever did, and that she has taken on that aspect of the demon.

One thing that has always meant something to Lilith, even after her change is honor. The honor of those around her, her family and her clan, mean a great deal to her. She almost doesn't lie, she tells the truth with no thought to the feelings of those she's talking to if they don't like the truth.

There are other interesting things that have started since her change, such as her refering to her family and those she hunts with as her pack, refusing to hunt with anyone else. She also hates her kind, absolutely dispises other demons. She sees them as no more then rivals that need to be destroyed.

Lilith conciders herself a widow, having removed her husband from her life completely. This has come after a long line of betrayals from him, for which she has finally given up on him for. She is a demoness of great untapped power, she hates her kind, yet seeks to one day rule them as queen. Do not let other demons or myth block your judgement of her, she is not some succubus, indeed just the opposite, and she has become somewhat of a man hater. She is a warrior, necromacer, mother, and matron of the DarkAmber family. She seems almost two people forced to coexist in one body. She has only recently gone back the way of the gods, choosing, after great thought, the young Goddess of of Anguish and Despair. To her, this path seemed choosen for her, that fate had been preparing her for this. Any sense of being unsure in her destiny has vanished, replaced by purpose in spreading the despair she had gone though to others. Her best tool to do this is truth, as nothing hurts more than the truth.

Their background is defined as:

There is a centuries old tale told, part myth, part warning. It is even told in some parts of Antrippa. It is about a man who angered Lord Arawn, God of Death, so greatly that Arawn wouldn't let him die. He watched everything die and decay around him, unable to stop it or to die with them. Friends, family, cities, entire nations withered before him. Even hope deserted him until Despair embraced him. He was condemned to life and to watch it all until he went insane.

Time often changes stories. Names and places. Whoever said that it was a man who angered Arawn anyway?

Lilith, having lost her only reason for living, went into a sleep of sorts. Unseeing, unfeeling, like a statue. Only his return brought her back to herself. Unable to let herself forgive, she again found herself with nothing and again sleeps. This time perhaps forever.