Nem's Random Stuff

This is a collection of random thoughts and poems,
some poems aren't mine and are labeled so. If you
wish to submit something send it to
If it cries, love it.
If it fears, console it.
If it hates, teach it.
If it fights, save it.
If it betrays, forgive it.
If it leaves, let it.
And when it returns, accept it.
For both will be stronger for it.
-The Void
This Darkness troubles me,
I yearn fot the light.
This silence is so deep.
I long for voices.
The drumming of rain,
the whistle of wind.
Let me see.
Let me hear.
Let me live.
I beg of you.
I'm so lonely in this bottomless darkness,
so lonely.
You think I have no heart,
but if I have no heart,
What is this ache?
What is this anguish?
If I have no heart,
What is this that threatens to break inside me?
This darkness is haunted.
I am afraid here,
I am lost and afraid here.
-This is from Call of the Wild.
One night after supper, the lead dog turned up a snowshoe rabbit.
The dog lay down low to the race, his body flashing forward.
Leap by leap.
He was sounding the depths of his nature and parts of his nature that
were deeper then he, going back into the wombs of time.
Night came on, and a full moon rose high over the trees lighting the land
til it lay bathed in ghostly day.
And the strain of the primitive remained alive and active.
Faithfulness and devotion, things born of fire and roof were his yet he
retained his wild and wiliness.
And from the depths of the forest, a call still sounded.
-Free yourself from yourself.
-This a poem wrote by a guy from my high school, he past away in a car
accident in the summer of 96.
Break thru the barriers life provides
Try to find the secret that it hides
Listen to the message that it cries
Live it fully, before it dies
Travel the highways
Let it ride
Cross the bridge to the other side
Listen to the message that it cries
Live it fully, no second tries.
-Follow the path of your heart, and all will be yours.
-Clothes? Bah, who needs em, I think we should all walk around
naked, well, ok, you're right, my brother should remain clothed.
-The meaning of Life? It's what you make it, but for me, the
meaning is to have fun, that and chocolate.
-Logic is over rated.
-Randoms thought from Messiah, AKA Lisa :)
-Even notice how ever one else stuff is shit, and your shit is stuff?
-Cheese and squirls? The Monkey's GAY?!? NO, why god why?
-The parnoid camel is god.
-I'll live.
-The hand you hold is the hand that holds you down.
-One swift breeze and braveheart becomes a porno.
-O geese oh boy.
-Who knew?
-Halloween, you know halloween eh?
-I love you, now shut up so I can kill you.
-It's like a million drunken monkey after the bar closes.
-" Life is like a tree full of monkeys,
They climb past you on the way to the top,
When you look down you see a smiling face,
When you look up, all you see are arseholes.
Blood is red,
weed is green.
Suger is happy,
can a borrow your spleen?
la la la tra la la
monkeys monkey on the wall
monkey monkey please dont fall
you have to help me kill them all
Procrastinator's Creed
You may wish to delay reading this until you have more free time.
1. I believe that if anything is worth doing, it would have been done already.
2. I shall never move quickly, except to avoid more work or find excuses.
3. I will never rush into a job without a lifetime of consideration
4. I shall meet all of my deadlines directly in propoartion to the amount of
bodily injury I could expect to recieve from missing them.
5. I firmly believe that tomorrow holds the possiblity for new technologies,
astounding discoveries, and a reprieve from my obligations.
6. I truely believe that all deadlines are unreasonable regardless of the
amount of time given.
7. If at first I don't succeed, there is always next year.
8. I shall always decide not to decide, unless of course I decide to change my
9. I shall always begin, start, initiate, take the first step, and/or write the first
word, when I get around to it.
10. I will never put off tomorrow, what I can forget about forever.
One who does good, having an infinite power to evil,
should have credit not only for the good she does
but for the evil from which she refrains.
I am the world that hides the universal secret of all time
Destruction of the empty spaces is my one and only crime
I've lived a thousand times I found out what it means tobe believed
The thoughts and images the unborn child that never was concieved.
Queen of the Damned:
Hellfire and brimstone,
The demons wait for him alone.
Deep within the darkened cave,
All the light can not his soul save.
There she sits upon the throne,
Crown of Blood red bain in dragon stone.
Eyes of ice, hair of snow,
from her spear his blood does flow.
Fallen angel, a destiny lost,
They seek in together no matter the cost.
To bring him into the fold,
His very soul he has sold.
This is a quote from The Understaker(WWF), I happened
to take a liking to it so I posted it here.
I am the reaper of men.
The chaser of souls.
The weaver of nightmares.
The heart of darkness.
I am now, and ever will be,
the purity of Evil.
A key will open the door, but then locks can change.
A sense of balance is important in all things. And then
again, falling over is just another way of regaining
one's balance.
OOOOH.....Kinder Eggs?? Where? Where?
The grass may be greener on the other said, but it still
has to be cut.
This was posted on the board of a mud a play on and I
don't know who wrote it. If anyone knows please contact
While travelling the lands,
I met a vile beast.
Jealousy was her name,
and on hearts she did feast.
I tried to slay her,
but my attempts were in vain.
She left me alive,
But with the greatest pain.
She looked at me, laughed,
and said with a grin,
"Foolish little man,
Tis not you battle to win."
Twas hopeless I saw,
as my heart filled with sorrow.
I can only hope the right person,
will slay her tomorrow....
You are the weak, we are the strong
Scream as we maim you, this is our song
We will rule your tortured head
We will prace and dance with the dead
When in doubt, a Marine would call a lamp post 'Sir'
A good sailor never leave his buddies behind.....think about
that statment for a moment >:)
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