Renor Kal'Daka
Son of Medri Mithwaess and a unknown sidhe male named Vicdean. The family line is passed down in the bloodlines of the females, a tradition that Medri continues dispite her distance from the family and it's rule enforcing Matron Lilith.
Because if this, she has little to no use for a male child and did very little raising of Renor. She taught him the basics of survival, proper respect for life, death and those more powerful than you. Things she herself was taught at a young age by Brannin and Jvahr. She instilled the value of silence but most importantly she taught him a great restpect for Dragons, herself being bonded to one as Dragonkin.
Their background is defined as:
Renor was born to Medri and Vicdean, but Vicdean didn't exactly play a very
long role in the growing up process. He was given what he needed to survive
and cared for enough to lived a healthy childhood. Ever since he was a
small little boy was he a sneaky critter. As a baby, he did what every
other baby did. Cry a lot, be happy only when he got what he wanted, and of
course grew to love the elements he was raised with.
When able to sustain without his mother being next to him every moment of
the day, Medri had started to invoke the elements of survival, slowly
taking away all excess things. Things that weren't priorty for survival.
Renor was left with what was needed to live, but thats just about it. He
was grown to be a silent little bugger though right after infant-hood, as
else he'd become Jvahr's beating toy.
As he was growing, the knowledge of life and death, and those who would
deal it out mercilessly was instilled. Survival becoming natural, and Renor
more mature, Medri slowly acknowledged his abilities to life on his own,
fair enough for a little boy. She started to give him more, clothing, food,
and shelter as he progressed, until he was seven.
At the ripe age of seven, he was set loose into New Lensmoor. Of course, he
had gotten muddy and didn't very much like wearing only mud covered
clothes, he decided for whatever reason, to ditch the clothing and find new
Their personality is defined as:
This sidhe boy isn't exactly the most 'typical' of sidhe children. Medri
raised Renor with the basic needs of survival, along with a couple other
significant things that assisted in his survival of seven years. His mother
instilled a great respect for dragons, and that sparked a wild interest in
the boy. Having several dragon relatives has assisted as well. He has a
particular interest with things that have wings regardless, but would
prefer dragons other sprites.
He has a respect to those stronger them him and for those in places of power,
as his mother raised him to well respect death and those who could issue it
without blinking. Immortals have a higher respect in those regards. Fitting
well along the lines of death and survive comes his silence.
He isn't loud and prefers to be in a quiet enviroment, probably because
inside he is quite mischevious and prefers solitude to conduct mean
experiements with animals and unforunate bugs. While he is a bit of a
talker when you get him going, he won't speak too much unless he is
interested in what you've got to say.
He enjoys getting dirty, playing, breaking things, climbing trees,
exploring, and most of what other little boys do. Yet he has a twisted
interest in darker things, such as necromancy, grim stories, and liche. As
if that didn't take up a lot of time, he devoted himself to the general
idea of knowledge. He reads and writes, a little poorly, but good enough.
All in all, he gets away with what he can, but is wise enough to know when
to keep to himself. Not to mention, he suffers from a certain degree of
shyness and caution. His personality is still under construction, as he has
years of changing to do, but for now he is quite content with being an
adventurous little critter.