[Status 28/28] To: Lilith anonymous From: Anonymous Subject: Status change: Lilith (3 Roleplaying) Date: Mon May 8 22:35:49 2000 =========================================================================== I was just thinking, I've role played with Lilith on and off ever since the days when SHE was the high preistess of Arawn. I've watched her go through the trials of being a religous leader. And then not anymore. I've watched her go through the issues related with her shop, and children both living and dead, and the state of her marrage and many other shattered dreams as well as triumphs here and there. All and all she has been one of the most excelent roleplayers I've known. Her charictor always has great depth and is sharp of whit. This requires an incredible amount of skill and speed of thought on the part of the player behind this charictor. She has amazed me at times by saying things that were so perfect to the moment and yet I would of never thought of them, and at other times really touched me with the depth of her charictor. This is long over due, so here it is. You go girl! -The player behind Jvar