Simion DarkAmber
Simion's past before Lilith seems clouded in mystery.
Someone once told this story of him....
"I 'eard this from me cousin in the next valley, now don't ya go 'bout and be
tellin this, but it be true, I swear it.
Well as I 'ear it, there had been a group a'sidhe livin bouts the dark river,
guardin it from the evils right? Well they all be noble and good and then
come da worse evil they imagine right? Be da 'igh Priestess of Arawn! Gah,
fearsom one that. So she come ta find what they be guardin, and killed em
all! Nono! I not be kidding ya, no word a lie! Wipe em out she did.
Well she be finding what they be guardin and took it, from what they say
right? But she also come back wit a wee one too. Called im Simion she did
and claimed im to be 'er own. Well ain't no one bout to argue wit her bout
it right?
Course some do, being it well rumored she be barren eh?
Bring me right ta 'nother thing I heard, make me shudder at it. Say she
tortured 'er own son when 'e come of age. Made 'im all crazy and evil she
did. Bound 'im ta 'er with some dark spell!
But don't be letting 'er know I told ya, I like me 'ead where it be!"
Their background is defined as:
Simion DarkAmber is the first born of Lilith DarkAmber, and the only
surviving child to carry on the family name. And while the name has
almost always passed on with the woman, Simion is the only one who can
pass it on now. Nothing is really known about Simion's father, as
he didn't even know of his son's birth. Little is known of his
childhood either, for soon after his first birth, he was sent away to
live with another family. He was raised with only tales of his true
mother, told to him by his adoptive parents. When he came of age, he
set off to find his mother, to demand of her the answers that only she
she could supply. When he found her, she took him as her apprentice,
breaking her own rules, feeling it was the least she owed to her son.
Simion is presently trying to make a new life with his mother, among
the shambles of a ruined one.
Their personality is defined as:
A mischevious character with a dark side, Simion is considered a curse by
some and a friend by others. As a habit, perhaps from the time that he
followed Memnoch, he trusts things to luck and his own charm, although he
prides himself on being impervious to the charms of others. He rarely partakes
in the pleasures of life, apending most of his time serving his goddess. He
prefers to keep aware of the world around him rather than partake in it.
Simion also holds his family in the highest reguard, placing his own safty at
risk for those who are of the Kal'Daka lineage. And like all of his family, he
is completely stubborn, almost to a fault. But unlike others, he tends to be
more silent about it, his temper being less explosive than most. He also tends
to be very secretive, not giving away any emotions or letting anyone know what
he thinks.