Sirius DarkAmber
The Story of Sirius DarkAmber (Lensmoor)
The Daughter of a rich merchant family and twin sister
of Lilith, Sirius DarkAmber was raised to take over the
family estate. From a young age it was clear that the
older of the two, Lilith, was unfit to manage the wealth.
Far to rebellious and headstronge to be tied down by the
responsibilites. After Lilith's sudden departure. Sirius
became concerned for her reckless other half. Taking it
upon herself to ensure her twins safety, Sirius set off
aswell. Like her sister, Sirius ran into troubles. She
was taken by raiders and forced to become the slave to an
evil master who she later found she was kin to. She was
told the truth of her and her sisters birth. The family
that raised tham were not blood kin. Her master told her
they were the spawn of an evil Queen and a vile demon of
death. Born to a legacy of evil, the two were to be the
worldly embodyment of Death and Destruction. After they
were born, their mother was killed by holy paladins and
they were entrusted to those who raised them. Unbelieving
that she was kin to such filth, Sirius killed her Master
and freed herself. Once an innocent girl, Sirius left a
haunted and confused woman. She eventually settled in
another land and learned the ways of the paladin. She
joined two other paladins, HighKnight Vishki, a proud
halfdragon bound to service to a powerful, yet seemingly
ignorant being know as The EclipseDragon. And Nemesis, a
mysterious Ancient, once Queen of Thieves turned protector.
Together the triad would bring peace to their land if not
each other. Nemesis had driven Sirius' father, Shadow, to
insanity when she a thief. It happened while Sirius
was trapped as a slave. Shadow had come seeking his lost
daughters but instead found an evil sadistic thief named
Nemesis. Learning of this Sirius first came to kill Nemesis,
but found her as an companion to the HighKnight Vishki.
With some pushing from Vishki, the two started a friendship
of sorts. But Sirius, forever suspicious of the ex-thieves
true intentions and loyalties would drive a wedge between
them. The three would be ripped apart by anger, hatred and
dark forces. Soon after a great destruction came upon the
land in the form of an angered Demoness and a hoard of half-
demon spawn. Leaving the now desolite land, Sirius, now
separtated from all she held dear, found herself in Lensmoor.
She came seeking the HighKnight Vishki and Paladin of Light
Nemesis, but instead found a happy reunion with her lost
sister. Upon finding her sister, Sirius wasn't sure what
to think. While Sirius' experiences lead her to light,
Lilith's had gone to dark. Lilith assured her twin however
by saying, 'Paladin or not, you're still my sister.'
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