Webpages for Dummies

Someone once showed me the very basics of making a page in about 10 minutes and from there I just sort of, went on my own. Here is what they showed me.

1. Where do I start?

First you open a textdocument, this is what I use anyway, nice and simple. The first thing you do is put in < html >. This starts it off. And at the very end, you put < /html >. the / added means end. If you want to end anything you add this to the basic flag.

2. Now what?

Well, now you can save it as an html format. To do this, click on Save As, enter the name with .html on the end. For example, this file is called makepage.html.
The next thing I do, is make a title for the page. Do you see the 'Basic Webpage Making' at the top of this page? That is the title of the page. To do this, you type < title >Basic Webpage Making< /title >. You must put the end code at the end of your title, or the page doesn't work.

3. How do I write words?

You do this with the use of the font. You can change color and size as you go. Do do this you type < font color="color" >. Just as I did above to change the color to red. To end it again, you must type < /font >.

To change the font size, you type something similiar. < font size="number" >.

3. What about Backgrounds?

There are two things I use for backgrounds. If I want a solid color, I use < body bgcolor="color" >. You can also add the color for the pages text in this, for example. < body bgcolor="color" text="color" >

If I want to use a picture, I type < body background="pic.extension" > . So if I wanted dark.jpg as my back ground, I type < body background="dark.jpg" >.

4. How do I add pictures?

To add pictures to your page, you type < img src="image.extension" > . If you want to center your pictures on the page, type < center > before it, and then < /center > after it to stop the centering. Unless you want everything centered.

5. How do I make a Link?

You can make a link out of either words or a picture. To do this you must type < a href="destination">, now after this you put the word/words/picture you want to be the link. So if you want an entire sentence, you put it all then put < /a > after it. If you don't put < /a >, everything after that will be the link.

So if I wanted this to be a link to this page, I would type < a href="makepage.html" > This is a link back to this page < /a >. This would show up as : This is a link back to this page .

If I only wanted the word Link to be the link, I would type This is a < a href="makepage.html" > link < /a > back to this page. This shows up as : This is a link back to this page.

To make an image a link, you just put the image flag show in the above section between the link flags like I did the words above.

6. How do I make a break in the page?

You see the spaces between questions and answers? Those are very easy, to put a vertical space between anything, words, pictures, it's very easy. You put in < br >. Puting this in once will go to the next line, to put a blank line, you type it twice.

7. So that's it?

Nope, there is alot more, but that should get you started with a simple page. If you have any questions, Email me. Oh, and that link to my email, I did that by typing in < a href="mailto:nemesis_night@hotmail.com" > Email < /a >.